Hummus aus gruenen Erbsen von Aramark

Green pea hummus

The fresh green is a real eye-catcher. Green peas pimp this hummus with a particularly tangy flavor and plenty of plant protein power. Green pea hummus Print Recipe Rezept drucken Green pea hummus Rezept drucken Print Recipe Servings 4 Servings 4 Ingredients 500 g green peas frozen1 organic lemon1 clove of garlic80 g tahini40 ml

Huelsenfruchtsalat mit gebratenem Seelachsfilet

Pulse salad and baked fillet of pollack

This delicious salad of chickpeas and lentils with aromatic pumpkin, crunchy lettuce and refreshing pomegranate seeds provides concentrated protein power and plenty of vitamins. It is served with pollock fillet baked in a lemon marinade. Hülsenfruchtsalat und gebratenes Seelachsfilet Print Recipe Rezept drucken Hülsenfruchtsalat und gebratenes Seelachsfilet Rezept drucken Print Recipe Servings 4 Servings 4